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#1 2018-04-06 22:36:09

Registered: 2018-01-23
Posts: 5

setting to control space between albums in Pangolin Album sets

I am in the midst of a rebuild my website and am stuck trying to build an album set with a single column of albums. Here is a page with the current challenge. … ied-shows/

Goal here was to have a single "bullet list" of awards and juried shows in reverse chronological order, preferably with a thumbnail. A click to open the file in a slide show is a bonus.

If I build a typical album set, the albums build horizontally across the page in columns rather than vertically in columns and this is less desireable. I thought a single column would be a good work around. And that is where I am stuck

I already have the thumbnail grid margin set to 0 and I am using a 8x1 aspect ratio so both the album title and description are visible, even though there is a little more padding than I need (can't seem to turn this additional padding off). The thumbnails have been replaced with custom 50x50 pixel thumbnails.

I can accept the way the albums look now but the wide margins between the albums is undesirable because I have a lot more entries to make. Can I use CSS to override this? I suspect there are some defaults in the background that are controlling this so it may not be possible.

Any other suggestions? Thanks  in advance.

Last edited by Marshview260 (2018-04-06 22:50:36)


#2 2018-04-07 08:56:12

rod barbee
From: Port Ludlow, WA USA
Registered: 2012-09-24
Posts: 17,830

Re: setting to control space between albums in Pangolin Album sets

I've been looking at this for a while today and can't come up with anything that's really workable if you need it to be an album set page. In fact it's making me rethink a similar album set template I've been working on.
(for what it's worth, I think the page looks pretty good as is)

If you're not going to be adding to this regularly, it might be easier to do it with html in some page copy. If you don't need the pictures, then you could do it with Markdown.
Just use text links to link to the individual image pages.

Just a user with way too much time on his hands., Backlight 2/3 test site


#3 2018-04-07 09:44:21

Registered: 2018-01-23
Posts: 5

Re: setting to control space between albums in Pangolin Album sets

Thanks so much for spending the time on this. It makes my feel better that I wasn't overlooking something obvious. I was hoping there was some property in the background that I could use to close up that space.

I have tried the HTML solution through a wordpress page and abandoned that for this solution as my skills were not on a level to make it easy for me to get a good end result.

I will stick with this for now.  Thanks again for your efforts.


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