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Hi, that sounds odd. Can you check a couple of things:
1. In the Plug-in manager, select the TTG CE4 Publisher plugin. Expand the Plug-in Author Tools section. Are there any diagnostic messages there? If so, the Save Diagnostics Log to File should be enabled. Click that, save the messages then see what's in that file.
2. Have a look at the file in Documents/ttg.log for an error message.
Also, consider emailing either or both of those files to me by clicking the Email link under my picture.
I had the same error:
I had a message:
Plug-in error log for plug-in at: /Users/Xevi/Pictures/PLUGINS-LR/CE4-Publisher-203/CE4-Publisher.lrplugin
**** Error 1
Error al intentar cargar la parte del plugin del cuadro de diálogo Exportar.
TTGUtils.lua:280: attempt to call local 'f' (a nil value)
No problem with create a Album set
Hi, can you please locate your Watermarks folder (at Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom/Watermarks), zip it up and email it to me via the Email link under my picture?
Are you running Windows or OS X? What version of Lightroom are you running?
Are you by chance also using a plugin called NextGen Gallery?
I had send you the watermarks folder
Thanks Xevi, that was a great help. Publisher scans all files within the Watermarks folder. The hidden .DS_Store file was causing the scanning to crash. I have a fix in the plugin on my side, which I hope to update later today. In the mean time, can you try to remove the .DS_Store file from the Watermarks directory?
Hi, please see a minor update to Publisher for this and one other issue: … y-18-2014/