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Pages: 1
Having a few problems setting up an album in Backlight 2 through MAMP. The default for MAMP is local host:8888 and after creating an album through publisher the images are not found. I'm thinking maybe I should change the url to the local host in the admin and then change to my domain name url when I upload to my server? Not sure, but it's frustrating not being able to see images published through the Backlight 2 module.
All installed as Matt's video and just getting to grips with the initial set-up. The Home Page displays, but when I go to visit the 'About' page, and 'Contact' page, 'they are not found on this server'. The 'Galleries' page and 'Search' pages are fine. Do I need to activate these default pages as menu items?
I've searched the documentation but it seemed to me they displayed by default. Sorry to be missing such a simple step in the set-up.
Any ideas?
Many thanks Matt & Daniel. Daniel actually pointed me in the right direction. Maybe with MAMP it doesn't give me a secondary 'Quick Setup' step...but I was able to change it through the Admin > Users > Administrators, as Daniel pointed out.
All good,
After installing 'Backlight 2' with Matt's informative video onto MAMP, I logged in with username: 'admin', password: 'ttg8888'. I was wondering whether this is the permanent log-in for the admin, or if there is a place I can personalize both in the Admin panel?
I logged out, and found I couldn't get back in, so had to reinstall the software. I'm a little wary of logging out in case it rejects my admin password.
Any ideas?
Daniel, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Looking inside the Backlight 2 installer, when it's up and running where are the page templates located? Or would I copy over the the Backlight 2 folder and the Galleries folder to complete the transfer?
Thanks Daniel, I'm guessing one installation of Backlight 2 on the MAMP host is all I need? Would I need to do a new install on the new host for the exported files to be compatible?
Thanks Ben, I appreciate the extra details. If I do run into permission issues, what would you suggest? As you may have read, my web-host won't transition my site to a newer container running php 7.2 or 7.3 for a week or so, and I'd like to start putting the site together. MAMP is my preferred local host which I'm familiar with, but don't want to complicate the process if transferring the site is a major headache. I guess the one installation on MAMP is all I need, rather than installing Backlight 2 on the web server before copying over?
Thanks again, hoping to understand the basics before getting in over my head.
Thanks Rod, Once i've developed the site on the local host (MAMP), with Backlight 2 installed, would I then need to install the Backlight 2 software onto the main site and move the files over, or could I drop the files over and they would retain all of the installation details?
Looking to design a new website in Backlight 2 and as my host is running an old php container 5.2, I will be transitioned to a newer container running php 7.2 or 7.3 in a week or so. As I've designed TTG CE3 websites in a local host MAMP before, I was wondering whether I can work on my site locally before uploading via FTP to server once the php has been updated? I was also wondering when setting up Backlight 2 in MAMP (local host vs online host) do I use the same installation process as shown in Matt's video?
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