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#1 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Packages for the Cart in Backlight2 » 2020-02-28 02:00:40

Thanks! I used to do that, but people rarely used them, I was hoping there was an easier way smile Thanks for your help!

#2 Backlight 2 Support » Packages for the Cart in Backlight2 » 2020-02-20 00:21:31

Replies: 2

Does anyone know if there is a way to add a package in the cart add on, that can only be added to your order once, not multiple times? I have items (such as a certain # of digital images and prints) that are included with my sessions at no additional charge. I have always made a package with those items at a zero cost. Some of my clients have been adding this "no charge" package to their order multiple times and I would like to prevent that.

#4 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Lightroom Plugin for BL2 not working » 2019-11-03 09:42:50

Hi Rod,
I have tried to create a gallery within Backlight2 and it does not work either. I did also recently update Backlight2.
I have emailed you my apr info.
Thanks for your help!

#5 Backlight 2 Support » Lightroom Plugin for BL2 not working » 2019-11-02 20:18:42

Replies: 6

Have been using the BL2 Lightroom plugin for a while and was working perfectly. Today it is not. I get a "Page Not Found" error when I create a new gallery. I go to my older galleries I created last week and they are working fine. I did update Lightroom recently and maybe that is causing the problem. I have un-installed the plugin, re-dowloaded it and installed again and it is still now working. When I "Check Authentication" it says it is "successful".  Also, when I check my server files, everything looks to be where is should be. Please help!

#6 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Product Options not showing » 2019-10-12 00:50:25

The problem only exists if you click on the "Add Session Package Items" to look at the items, but not add it. If you close that without adding it, and then try to click the shopping cart icon on the thumbnails, this is when the product options do not change accordingly with which product you select. I am on a Mac, but will try windows in a bit.

#7 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Product Options not showing » 2019-10-10 23:43:59

Hi Matthew,
I use Safari 12.1.2 and I also have the problem when I try it on Chrome (Version 77.0.3865.90).
The only time I do not have this problem is when I view the gallery on my iPhone.


#8 Backlight 2 Support » Product Options not showing » 2019-10-08 22:40:46

Replies: 6

I am running Backlight 2 with the cart add-on. My gallery has an "Add Session Package Items" button to add a package to the cart. When I click this button to view the package, then close it without out adding it, when I then click on the shopping cart icon on the thumbnail (to order without a package) the product options to not change accordingly when I change the product from the drop down menu. If I close the browser window and go back into the gallery and not click the "Add Session Package Items" button, but just click the shopping cart icon on the thumbnail, the products and options work perfect. Does anyone know what could be causing this.
Link to text gallery:

#10 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Can not Access Albums when put back on server » 2019-04-29 23:43:32

Ok. Yes I do delete the galleries using LR.
Is there anyway to "archive" albums (not sure if that is the right word). So I do not have to have on my server, but could easily put them back on without having to re-do the entire gallery?


#11 Backlight 2 Support » Can not Access Albums when put back on server » 2019-04-29 18:42:06

Replies: 4

I create galleries in LR and post to my website server. When my clients are finished viewing and ordering, I download my albums (from FileZilla) to my computer hard drive and remove the album from LR and my server. If the client comes back and wants to see the gallery again I use FileZilla to transfer the gallery folder I downloaded back onto my website. This should work, but I get the following message:

Something went wrong. The album with id 174584 could not be found in GalleryDelegate.php on line 91. Logout....

Is this not the correct way to repost a gallery?


#13 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Cover Image » 2019-01-31 00:37:52

Oh I see. In CE4 Gallery you could select a cover photo for a single gallery. You can not do that in BL2?
You could have it span a certain width above your thumbnails.

#14 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Cover Image » 2019-01-31 00:23:07

In lightroom I only have an option of Random or Custom in the album settings for the cover photo. I have been setting it by right clicking on the image in LR and selecting "use as cover". Then in the LR album setting choose custom. Nothing shows up when published. I also tried assigning the img_# in BL2 of the image for the cover photo I selected in LR.

#15 Backlight 2 Support » Cover Image » 2019-01-30 21:17:51

Replies: 6

For the life of me, I can not figure out how to display my cover photo in my albums. I am using the Lightroom plugin to create my galleries - I see where I can set my cover photo. I can also see where I can set it or change it in the Publisher section in BL2 Admin., but it never shows up for me in my published gallery. What am I missing? Is there something in the album templates I have to activate? I have looked, but can not find anything :(

#17 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Multiple Active Galleries » 2019-01-26 22:23:20

I ended up creating a blank menu and a blank menu page template for the Instructions and Help pages so people are forced to use the back button. Also added the back link in the content.
I really liked the pop up boxes, so I also included them on the gallery page so clients can quickly take a look with out leaving the gallery.

Here is what it looks like for anyone else looking to do something like this:

Thanks again for your help!

#18 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Multiple Active Galleries » 2019-01-26 05:21:30

aww- I really wish the client response add on and the cart worked together sad

I used your idea though - I added the button for the troubleshooting and just added the instructions in the actual gallery. Search and contact where just nice to have, not really necessary smile Works well!
Thanks for your help!

#19 Backlight 2 Support » Multiple Active Galleries » 2019-01-25 23:49:37

Replies: 10

I have created a client gallery area with several pages.

My Gallery (specific to client Album)
Instructions (page, same for all)
Trouble Shooting (page, same for all)
Contact (page, same for all)
Search (page, same for all)

I create my galleries in LR. For each client gallery I have created a new template for their album & template for their page and a new menu where the My Gallery menu item directs them to their gallery. All are connected properly, but it seems that I may have to create a separate page for each of the above pages which would be the same for all, as well  (Instructions, Trouble Shooting, Contact & Search), as every time I visit the gallery and navigate from the My Gallery album and the other pages, and then back to My Gallery it shows the gallery linked in the menu where the Instructions, Trouble Shooting, Contact & Search pages are.

If this doesn't make sense, I guess I am asking if it is possible to create a client area where you have a gallery that would be specific to an album (client) as well as 3 or 4 pages that would always be the same, without having to recreate the pages every time you create a new client area for client.

I will have several galleries active at once.

Here is a link to what I have:

#21 Backlight 2 Support » Cart in BL2 » 2019-01-24 23:32:44

Replies: 2

Is there a way to save an order using Cart for BL2? If a client starts an order, but is not ready to check out?

#22 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Where to install Backlight2 » 2019-01-20 22:56:48

Ok Thanks - I did that, just waiting for reply. Thought I might be able to try something else in the meantime smile
Thanks smile

#23 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Where to install Backlight2 » 2019-01-20 18:48:50

Actually, this did not solve my issue. I was able to get further into the admin panel and through to a few menu items but then I still got that error. I did change my permissions as well, and this did not help either.
Any other ideas?

#24 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Where to install Backlight2 » 2019-01-20 00:16:44

Looks like things are working correctly just by only copying over those 2 folders.
Thanks again!

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