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#1 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Add Images no longer works » 2019-08-17 11:51:19

Resolved with a clear of the browser cache - thanks.

#2 Backlight 2 Support » Add Images no longer works » 2019-08-17 11:30:04

Replies: 2

When I try to add images to any of my albums the popup field for dragging and dropping images won't appear on one of my sites.  Works properly on the other two.

#3 Re: Backlight Support » 4K monitor issue » 2019-01-17 10:46:42

Think I've got it resolved.  All the browsers have a sticky zoom setting.  By setting browser zoom at 75-80% I can get very close to correct display size while using the Windows 10 150% zoom feature.

#4 Re: Backlight Support » 4K monitor issue » 2019-01-17 08:55:24

Thank Rod

Looks like a Windows 10 problem.  On my monitor It defaults to displaying everything at 150%.  I can set it to display at 100% and my Backlight images view at proper size, but then can't read the text on many apps. sad

#5 Backlight Support » 4K monitor issue » 2019-01-17 07:01:52

Replies: 5

When I view my slideshows on my 4K monitor the image size as displayed is larger than the actual resolution of the image.  A 2000 pixel wide image will display at something like 3000 pixels pixels wide.  To see the images at correct size I have to scale down the window size.  On a 1920 x 1200 monitor they appear to display at correct size. What am I doing wrong?

#6 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Backlight 2 Installation Glitch » 2018-09-13 00:49:01


All the sites work perfectly and I am very pleased with Backlight2.  My issue was that the installer only created one working Backlight2 installation.  To get the remaining two working I had to copy the files & folders from the working one.

#7 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Backlight 2 Installation Glitch » 2018-09-12 06:10:20

All of the Backlight 2 files are in the folder Backlight in the public-html folder of the site.  The other two sites are one-level up from the root and have the Backlight 2 files in a folder in that site's root.

#8 Backlight 2 Support » Backlight 2 Installation Glitch » 2018-09-12 04:47:02

Replies: 4

Following the installation instructions I successfully upgraded my site from Backlight to Backlight 2.  That procedure failed with the two other Backlight sites.  The installer would report a successful installation, but when I logged into Backlight 2 the settings page looked like the CSS files were missing.  Some of the text was there but the page was unusable.  There were no error messages. What worked in the end was to copy the files and folders (less Custom and Data folders) from the site that was working to the two that were not.  Then I could log into Backlight and complete the update process on those two as well.  On the two sites where normal installation failed the file "env.php.skel" was not created by the installer.  Bottom line: I am up and running with Backlight 2 on three sites and am happy with the program (except for the image background issues reported elsewhere).  It was a bit of a circus getting there, however.

#10 Backlight Support » Edits to images in published album not reflected in album » 2018-02-02 03:40:50

Replies: 2

Using Windows 10 current release and latest Backlight version. Lightroom edits to images already published are not uploaded.  I can publish new albums, but cannot publish edits to images in existing albums. The re-publish operation appears normal with no error messages, but the online images don't reflect the edits.  I've verified it is not a browser cache issue and if I download the edited images from the album into Photoshop (using my FTP Client) they are the original un-edited version rather than the edited version just published.  Interestingly the thumbnail of the edited image in the album is updated.

#11 Re: Backlight Support » Image Update Problem » 2017-02-28 12:11:37

No virtual copies.  The image is a tif produced in Silver efex Pro from the original DNG.  I created a duplicate using the same process and was successful in uploading it.  I had a similar problem with a different image in the same album, but eventually it uploaded.  I agree that it sounds like Lightroom is not applying my edits when I upload the re-edited image.  I did a lightroom re-start and also a PC re-boot without any change.

#12 Backlight Support » Image Update Problem » 2017-02-28 09:55:29

Replies: 2

I have an image in an album that I edited in Lightroom, but cannot get it updated on the server.  Even deleting the image from the album, re-publishing the entire album without it, re-adding the edited image. and re-publishing the album does not work.  Everything seems normal except the original un-edited image remains in the album. I purged the browser cache and tried different browsers to no avail.

#13 Re: Backlight Support » Vegas Inline Problem » 2016-12-07 09:45:13

I spoke to soon.  The problem appears to be the number of images.  There are 160 images in the album.  If I specify 115 items per page the album will display.  120 and higher will not.  Is this a bug or am I missing something?

#14 Re: Backlight Support » Vegas Inline Problem » 2016-12-07 09:23:24


That appears to be working.  Many thanks.

#15 Re: Backlight Support » Vegas Inline Problem » 2016-12-07 09:05:04

I have cleared the cache. I leave the show as Flickity rather than a blank show.

#16 Backlight Support » Vegas Inline Problem » 2016-12-07 07:53:17

Replies: 7

My preferred Theater show is Vegas Inline. On my site I have five albums.  Four are Vegas Inline and the fifth, "Places We've Visited", is Flickity.  When I change that show's template to Vegas Inline and publish I get a blank show.  The Vegas Inline template works for the four, but not for the one.  Any help would be appreciated.

#18 Backlight Support » Possible to have Multiple Album set Pages? » 2016-11-02 00:53:40

Replies: 3

Currently on this site:

I have 2016 albums and videos with a link to earlier CE4 albums.  After the new year is it possible to create a 2017 Album Set page?  It would have a link to the 2016 version.  I suspect I can with a second installation of Backlight for the 2017 Albums, but that seems like a kludge.  Is there another way?  Thanks.

#20 Backlight Support » Unable to access Publisher » 2016-10-31 05:02:17

Replies: 3

My Lightroom TTG Publisher is no longer able to communicate with the publisher folder on one of my websites.  Authentication fails with "Unable to perform action: checkAuth  Message: The page sent an action which was not available".   I did a complete re-install of Backlight and got the same result.  I recently migrated my three sites to In Motion hosting and this is the first time I tried to publish a new gallery. Interestingly I can publish just fine to my other site.  Any help would be appreciated.

#21 Re: Backlight Support » Hosting Recommendations » 2016-10-09 04:36:51

I migrated my hosting to In Motion.  Went very smoothly.  Tech support was very knowledgeable and helpful. The move appears to have resolved my upload issues with GoDaddy.

#23 Backlight Support » Problem with Hidden Galleries » 2016-10-09 04:09:58

Replies: 2

I have a couple of galleries I don't want to display on the Gallery Set page.  After the latest update the hidden galleries are no longer hidden in Chrome.  They display with an eye symbol containing a slash mark in the test part of the thumbnail.  They remain hidden in Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and IE 11.

#24 Re: Backlight Support » Hosting Recommendations » 2016-10-07 04:03:03

Thanks Mark.  I'll give In Motion a good look.

#25 Re: Backlight Support » attempted updating 1.05 - no go » 2016-10-07 03:42:27

I had the same thing.  In my case the solution was logging into Backlight and letting it update the various databases as noted at the bottom of the readme file.  When I initially went directly to my Backlight galleries after the update I got the same errors you received.

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