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#2 Re: Backlight 2 Support » New Backlight 2 site via sub domain » 2019-01-29 09:08:48

I would leave my current site as is until I finished the new site. So there would be no down time. Any special tips re: BL2 in a subdomain?

Thanks very much for your time.

#3 Re: Backlight 2 Support » New Backlight 2 site via sub domain » 2019-01-29 08:34:36

That sounds good, if you know what you are doing - I don't. ?
Also, I need to redo my web site from scratch so I will not be able to use my present BL templates.
It would be nice if I could do it all in a subdomain because I know there will be many "ooops!" and then when finished move it all to the root.

#4 Re: Backlight 2 Support » New Backlight 2 site via sub domain » 2019-01-29 07:19:18

Would this work for replacing a Backlight v1 site?

#6 Backlight 2 Support » Upgrade anxiety » 2018-10-09 23:09:57

Replies: 5


It took me a while to get my website running smoothly with Backlight 1 (I am not proficient with this stuff!). I want to get away from Lightroom so I have been waiting for BL 2. I have some concerns after reading about upgrading and various problems people are having.
I ONLY use BL to generate albums - the other pages were made with Muse. I finally figured out how to do just the albums with BL. Any differences once I update to BL 2? How hard is it to go back if the update doesn't go smoothly?
I made my albums with the Okapi cores. How do I convert to Pangolin? I don't want to have to redo everything because I know I will screw it up.

I have read the documentation and watched the videos, but my lack of knowledge makes me unsure about the upgrade.
Thanks for opinions/advice.

#8 Re: Backlight Support » Help! "Can't update this collection" » 2018-08-19 22:47:34

SOLVED! I forgot that my ISP made me change something in my site so that it is now an "https" address. (Sorry, not sure what all that means, but is supposed to be more secure.) I didn't change the "new" address in the Backlight setting page. Added the "s" and now all is well.
Thanks for quick reply, Rod.

#9 Re: Backlight Support » Help! "Can't update this collection" » 2018-08-19 10:30:23

No, haven't changed anything other than that page update in June.

#10 Backlight Support » Help! "Can't update this collection" » 2018-08-19 09:39:57

Replies: 5

I updated this page (  ) in June - no problems. Tried to update that same page today with new images and I get:

" An internal error has occurred: JSON.lua:458: JSON.lua:197: can't parse JSON at char 1 of: Unable to load template: ../../backlight/framework/../admin/application/views/templates/template_home.php"

I have changed nothing in Backlight, or my web page except for the image update in June. And that went fine.

Any ideas?


#11 Re: Backlight Support » Help with watermarks, please. » 2018-07-09 01:29:37

I have been dealing with this all morning. After posting my question, I was going through the images - and WT*? Most of them now have WMs!!!!
Not sure what happened...I did flush my Safari cache, so ...?
Anyway...never mind.

#12 Backlight Support » Help with watermarks, please. » 2018-07-09 01:24:07

Replies: 1

Hi all,
I'm having a problem with watermarks. I have album already set up and published to website. I have images to add to that album. When published, some of the newly added images have watermarks, some don't. I republished the newly added images, same result. Watermark file is the same and unmoved. LR manages the WM and publisher has WM checked. (None of these settings have been changed.) Same thing happened when updating another page.

Example: … php?page=1
All of the mountain goat images have been added, some have WMs, some don't. Driving me nuts.... Any ideas?


#15 Re: Backlight Support » Re-sort thumbnails? » 2017-08-27 02:34:30

Thanks!!!!! Great responsiveness!!

#16 Backlight Support » Re-sort thumbnails? » 2017-08-27 00:10:15

Replies: 2

I would like to change the order of the thumbnails in a gallery and not have to re-publish the whole gallery. Is there a way to do this?

#18 Backlight Support » ? about editing TTG Publisher » 2016-08-30 02:17:00

Replies: 2

Could someone point me to documentation for the options when editing the TTG Publisher Plug In in the LR Plug In Manager? Especially the "other Publisher Options".

#20 Re: Backlight Support » Caption disappears when selecting image » 2016-07-26 05:19:29

Thanks for quick reply! So there is no way to turn off the "tap to enlarge"?

#21 Backlight Support » Caption disappears when selecting image » 2016-07-26 04:54:53

Replies: 4

I am slowly getting the hang of Backlight. When I look at a test album on laptop, or iMac, and I go to large image page - the caption is visible. Select the image - it enlarges and the caption is still there. Now same page on iPad Pro (small one), when I tap image to enlarge it - the caption disappears. I would like caption to remain visible. Suggestions?

Here is test page - … ecent-wip/

#22 Re: Backlight Support » Overwhelmed!! » 2016-07-18 07:00:56

Yeah, watched the video. Re-read the documentation. I want to produce galleries like this: 
I used CE4 for this. How can I produce just the galleries in Backlight without all the other fluff.

#23 Re: Backlight Support » Overwhelmed!! » 2016-07-17 07:38:17

Thanks for the quick reply. Will take a break, then try again.

#24 Backlight Support » Overwhelmed!! » 2016-07-17 03:15:34

Replies: 5

Hi all,
I have been using CE4 without problems and just "upgraded" to Backlight. Have read the documentation several times and I can't get my head around it. I JUST want to make individual albums that I can link to from my website pages (which has already been in use for some time). I don't want to make any other pages with Backlight because I am happy with what I have. Can someone point me to a tutorial or guidance into making multiple, individual image galleries with Backlight. Or did I waste my money?

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