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#1 Backlight 2 Support » Capture One » 2020-05-06 06:34:06

Replies: 4

Does Backlight work with Capture One or just Lightroom?

#3 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Unexpected error: Undefined index: template in PageController.php on l » 2020-01-05 05:26:14

I just sent you an e mail response to your e mail. My gmail is doing weird things. Your email didn't show up as new and my sent e mails are being deleted. Please post here if you didn't get me mail.

Hope you had a nice vacation. I thought you might have been affected by the fires. It's been getting a lot of coverage here in the US.

#4 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Unexpected error: Undefined index: template in PageController.php on l » 2020-01-03 03:40:05

Rod, Yes I did update album files.

Ben, tried to e mail a few times. Hope you got them.

#5 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Unexpected error: Undefined index: template in PageController.php on l » 2019-12-29 03:26:55

Just did and got this message, "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such column: pr.template in PdoExtended.php on line 524".

#6 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Unexpected error: Undefined index: template in PageController.php on l » 2019-12-29 00:16:10

I got into Backlight and went to the Publisher tab on top (far right). I got this message, "Unexpected error: Undefined index: show_breadcrumbs in list_top_level_galleries.php on line 52.
I then went under "Top Level Galleries" and went to "Galleries" and got this message< "SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 no such column: pr.template in PdoExtended.php on line 524".

Generally, I keep Backlight updated. I did not see any upgrades that I needed to perform.

Do you still want me to e mail my FTP creds?

#7 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Unexpected error: Undefined index: template in PageController.php on l » 2019-12-28 06:28:35

I can get into Backlight and updated the modules. 1. Should I update the albums and the index files too? I'm using bluehost as the host and File Zilla as the FTP. Don't know if either changed any versions. 2. If Blue host changed versions, what do I do?

#8 Backlight 2 Support » Unexpected error: Undefined index: template in PageController.php on l » 2019-12-28 04:22:46

Replies: 13

I haven't been able to connect to my website for the past few days. I got this message, "Unexpected error: Undefined index: template in PageController.php on line 118". I hope there's an easy fix.

#9 Re: Backlight 2 Support » increase font size in Contact and About pages » 2019-08-23 03:12:29

Let's give option 1 a try. In Backlight Standard Page I enabled custom style sheet. I chose the file backlight.css and the others did not seem to apply. Here's my site: My goal is to increase the font size of my page copy in the About and Contact tabs.

#10 Backlight 2 Support » increase font size in Contact and About pages » 2019-08-22 23:20:38

Replies: 3

I saw a reference to custom css in a posted response of another TTG user using an earlier version. Don't know what it is.  I'm looking to increase the font size of my copy on my Contact and About pages. Both are located under Page Settings>Page Copy in Pages>About or contact> Design

[split to new topic by moderator]

#11 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Site e mail not working » 2019-08-22 05:39:02

I wouldn't be using my g mail account, correct?

Is there a way to increase the font size on the contact page only?

#12 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Site e mail not working » 2019-08-22 03:15:30

I contacted Blue host twice. One person said they couldn't help me. The chat said it was one of two problems: 1. G mail-contact them. 2. Plug in settings. I checked my BL2 settings. Here they are: Mail send-smtp, SMPT Host-smtp g mail, User name-, Port- 465, Security Protocol-SSI

This is about my last shot at this. If I can't get it to work, I'll just remove the contact form and just give my phone and e mail and people can contact me from their own e mail program.

#13 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Site e mail not working » 2019-08-21 20:36:45

It was I added my domain site to the e mail. It now reads: I don't think that's correct. When I try to send an e mail to myself via the option in BL2, I get an error message saying it's not a valid e mail address.

#14 Backlight 2 Support » Site e mail not working » 2019-08-21 03:46:31

Replies: 7

My email evidently has been down since January. I checked BL settings>email configuration>Mail Send Type is set to "mail". Under Personalisation>the site email and vender e mail are the same. I tried changing the Client Templated to Backlight Standard page. No change on that. I cleared the cache. Still no e mail.

#15 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Make my home page look like my gallery page » 2019-08-21 03:37:45

OK it worked. I used both suggestions-I disabled the album and cleared the cache. I'm satisfied with how it looks for the time being.  But my e mail is not working and appears to have not been working since January. I checked View Contacts option and saw my recent tests as will as some mail that I missed in April. I'll start a new topic.

#16 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Make my home page look like my gallery page » 2019-08-20 23:36:40

Still not working. Here's what it looks like on my Home Page: I did everything both of you suggested but I don't know how to check to see which template the Galleries page is using. I set the Page Template to Backlight Standard page. I tried finding the Galleries Template in Backlight and couldn't find it. I tried finding it in lightroom In Publish Services>TTG Publisher>Art Party Tuesdays and was not give an option to choose Backlight Standard Page. Where can I find the template that the Galleries page is using?
Is it possible the problem has to do with the Default Template under Page Templates under Templates.  The type now reads Pangolin Page and it is the default. It seems to  me it should read Backlight Standard Page. If so, I don't know how to change the default to Backlight Standard page.

#17 Backlight 2 Support » Make my home page look like my gallery page » 2019-08-20 21:49:22

Replies: 6

I'm so confused. let's make it simple. Remember I'm a photographer not a computer programer. I have my galleries the way I want them. They allow for the fotomoto shopping cart. To see what I mean go to : I want my home page to look like my gallery page. Instead my home page looks like this: I tried everything I know how to make the changes but they didn't work.

My question is how do I get my home page look like my gallery page. I'll use the Backlight Standard Page and forget Galleria. Please use the format example, "BL>Designer>Pages>Home>Design>chose XXX in the drop down".

#18 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Adding fotomoto to an existing template » 2019-08-20 08:54:13

Yes, I'm using Galleria albums. So I have to use a standard album-I get it. Do I need to start over with a "New" standard album or can I modify and existing standard album? Either way, where do I assign the same page template to the standard album template?

#19 Backlight 2 Support » Adding fotomoto to an existing template » 2019-08-19 23:28:19

Replies: 3

I'm using BL2 and am updated. I have my website up and running the way I want it but only recently noticed that all the albums do not have fotomoto assigned to them. However, I am able to assign fotomoto to albums and know how to do it but when I do, the formating of the album changes back to the old formating. I want the new formating with the ability to access fotomoto. I'm thinking that I could simply add fotomoto to the albums that I want. But I can't find the "Add On" option to make the addition. It might be easier if you saw it. If so, go to Look at the galleries "Art Party Tuesdays" and "Exteriors". I want the formatting to look it "Art Party..." but have the fotomoto option in "Exteriors". I've been in BL2 and tried a lot of different things but nothing works. Where in BL2 do I make the changes? How do I make the changes? One clue might be that my e mail contact doesn't work.

#21 Backlight 2 Support » Publishing with BL2 from 2 computers » 2019-02-03 02:00:37

Replies: 2

Everything is working well and my website looks like a want it. No problem there and BTW I really like the way it works. it's very easy. My question now is, Can i publish albums with BL2 from two different computers, one laptop and one desktop?  You should know that I keep all my images and catalogs on an external hard drive. I plug it into both computers to edit images-not at the same time of course. I can publish easily from my laptop but not my desktop. I've done the BL2 set up on my laptop. When I asked this question earlier, you suggested something. But I can't find your answer in the previous communications on this board.

#22 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Galleria settings question » 2019-01-22 04:07:24

Got it. I was in the wrong area. I went to Designer>Templates >page templates>design. Of course that didn't work. I found the correct one under Designer>Pages.

BTW-What's the difference between the two. As far as I can tell, the first way that I tried allows more specificity in the changes that can be made.  is there an easy way to explain the differences?

#23 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Galleria settings question » 2019-01-17 04:26:06

You stated, "The ablum template for your album pages are using a different page template. If you want your Home, Galleries, About, and Contact pages to look the same as your Galleria albums, then assign the same page template to those pages as you've assigned to your album template.".

1. How do I assign the same page template to those pages as I've assigned my album template? 

Here's what I tried: In BL2 Admin going to the template page and under "Page Templates" I developed a new Pangolin Page. I went to the menu line and then went to the drop down with "default"  and an arrow in it, I did not get me the option to make it the default template. Making it the default template would make it the home page. I reasoned that would result in the main page looking like my gallery pages. Of course, that did not work.

I also tried cloning the album template "Pangolin Galleria"..."BWRAO" and pasting the clone in the New  template in Page Templates and of course that didn't work either.

#24 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Galleria settings question » 2019-01-17 01:00:39

Sorry for not being more clear.

I'm trying to make changes on my home page. When I first go to my home page at I get the name of my company across the top and the menus but it's white below. Ideally i'd like a slideshow on my home page. At the same time I like the way my galleries look and function. I would be OK with having my home page look like my galleries. I'm using Galleria for my galleries which I just purchased. Back to my home page.

I haven't been able to figure out how to  make changes to my home page. I've tried to change simple things such as the font or colors just to get a feel for a work flow that would allow me to make other changes. I use the same design methods as I use with Galleria and I don't see changes on my site. I've been clearing the cache a lot.

1. Can I make my home page look like my galleries? If not,

2. Is the design process different for the home page as from that of galleries? I can't image it would be but as I stated, I can't affect changes on my home pages when using the same methods as galleries.

3. This is a totally unrelated question. Is Fotomoto not supported in Galleria? I use Fotomoto. I noticed that I have to find the "Add On" section and make sure Fotomoto is selected. I can find "Add On" on the Standard Album Template" but there's no such option in Galleria. 

Hope that's more clear.

#25 Re: Backlight 2 Support » Galleria settings question » 2019-01-16 04:27:46

1. I like the look of my galleries. Is there a way to make my home page look like my galleries page? If not....

2. How can I make changes on my home page? I'm in "Design template" under "Page Templates" in my "standard Page" which is my "default template". I use the same workflow i.e. clear cache, make a change, and save it. I have my website up on a second monitor and I never see any changes. Also,
3. Is there an easy way to navigate during the design process? I'm constantly going in and out of a variety of pages. It's seems too cumbersome.

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